Specialist in Dormatologist, Cosmetologist
Professional Experience
- Medical Offier - Akila Hospital, Trichy - Nephrology - 1 Year - 2001 to 2002
- Medical Offier - Santhosam Chest Hospital, Chennai - 2 Year - 2003 to 2005
- Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) Medical Officer Under TANSACS - Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society - at Trichy General Hospital - 9 Years - 2005 to Tilldate
- NACO Training on HIV & Tretment Protocolos
- Cosmetology Laser Training at Kasemeron Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Area of Interest
- Conventional Dermatology
- Trichology
- Cosmetology Lasers
- Vitiligo Surgeries
- PRP for Hair Restoration and Acne Scars
- Leprosy